Namespace dds::topic¶
namespace topic¶
typedef dds::topic::detail::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData ParticipantBuiltinTopicData¶
typedef dds::topic::detail::TopicBuiltinTopicData TopicBuiltinTopicData¶
typedef dds::topic::detail::PublicationBuiltinTopicData PublicationBuiltinTopicData¶
typedef dds::topic::detail::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData¶
typedef dds::topic::detail::BuiltinTopicKey BuiltinTopicKey¶
typedef ::dds::topic::detail::TopicDescription TopicDescription¶
template<typename TOPIC>
TOPIC discover(const dds::domain::DomainParticipant &dp, const std::string &topic_name, const dds::core::Duration &timeout)¶ This operation gives access to an specific existing (or ready to exist) enabled Topic, ContentFilteredTopic, MultiTopic, AnyTopic or TopicDescription based on its topic_name.
Topics that the application has indicated should be ‘ignored’ (by means of the dds::topic::ignore operation) will not appear in this list (note: the ignore feature is not yet supported).
If a Topic of the same topic_name already exists, it gives access to this Topic. Otherwise it waits (blocks the caller) until another mechanism creates it. This other mechanism can be another thread, a configuration tool, or some other Data Distribution Service utility. If after the specified timeout the Topic can still not be found, the caller gets unblocked and the returned Topic will be dds::core::null.
A Topic that is obtained by means of find_topic in a specific DomainParticipant can only be used to create DataReaders and DataWriters in that DomainParticipant.
This operation usually results in network look-ups.
For finding only locally created Topics, look here.
- Parameters:
dp – the DomainParticipant
name – the topic name to discover
timeout – the time out
- Throws:
dds::core::NullReferenceError – The DomainParticipant was not properly created and references to dds::core::null.
dds::core::AlreadyClosedError – The DomainParticipant has already been closed.
dds::core::NotEnabledError – The DomainParticipant has not yet been enabled.
dds::core::OutOfResourcesError – The Data Distribution Service ran out of resources to complete this operation.
dds::core::TimeoutError – No Topics of the given name found within the timeout.
template<typename ANYTOPIC, typename FwdIterator>
uint32_t discover(const dds::domain::DomainParticipant &dp, FwdIterator begin, uint32_t max_size)¶ This operation retrieves a list of Topics that have been discovered in the domain.
If the max_size of the given list is large enough, all discovered Topics will be present in that list. Otherwise, a random sub-set of max_size elements is returned.
Topics that the application has indicated should be ‘ignored’ (by means of the dds::topic::ignore operation) will not appear in this list (note: the ignore feature is not yet supported).
Because Topics of various different kinds can be retrieved, the list contains AnyTopics.
This operation usually results in network look-ups.
- Parameters:
dp – the DomainParticipant
begin – a forward iterator pointing to the beginning of a container in which to insert the topics
max_size – the maximum number of topics to return
template<typename ANYTOPIC, typename BinIterator>
uint32_t discover_all(const dds::domain::DomainParticipant &dp, BinIterator begin)¶ This operation retrieves a list of all Topics that have been discovered in the domain.
Topics that the application has indicated should be ‘ignored’ (by means of the dds::topic::ignore operation) will not appear in this list (note: the ignore feature is not yet supported).
Because Topics of various different kinds can be retrieved, the list contains AnyTopics.
This operation usually results in network look-ups.
- Parameters:
dp – the DomainParticipant
begin – a back inserting iterator pointing to the beginning of a container in which to insert the topics
template<typename FwdIterator>
void ignore(const dds::domain::DomainParticipant &dp, FwdIterator begin, FwdIterator end)¶ This operation allows an application to instruct the Service to locally ignore a remote domain participant. From that point onwards the Service will locally behave as if the remote participant did not exist. This means it will ignore any Topic, publication, or subscription that originates on that domain participant.
- Parameters:
dp – the DomainParticipant
begin – a forward iterator pointing to the beginning of a sequence of InstanceHandles to ignore
end – a forward iterator pointing to the end of a sequence of InstanceHandles to ignore
template<typename TOPIC>
TOPIC find(const dds::domain::DomainParticipant &dp, const std::string &topic_name)¶ This operation gives access to a locally-created Topic, ContentFilteredTopic, MultiTopic, AnyTopic and TopicDescription with a matching name.
dds::topic::find will never create a Topic but returns a reference to an Topic proxy that already exists locally. When no local proxy exists, the returned Topic will be a dds::core::null object. The operation never blocks.
For discovering globally available Topics, look here.
- Parameters:
dp – the DomainParticipant to find the topic on
topic_name – the topic name to find
void ignore(const dds::domain::DomainParticipant &dp, const dds::core::InstanceHandle &handle)¶
This operation allows an application to instruct the Service to locally ignore a remote domain participant. From that point onwards the Service will locally behave as if the remote participant did not exist. This means it will ignore any Topic, publication, or subscription that originates on that domain participant.
- Parameters:
dp – the DomainParticipant
handle – the handle of the DomainParticipant to ignore
class AnyTopicListener¶
- #include <AnyTopicListener.hpp>
AnyTopic events Listener.
Because the DomainParticipant does not have knowledge of data types, it has to use non-data-type-listeners. In other words Any* listeners.
This class is used as a base for other listeners and is not used on its own.
Subclassed by dds::domain::DomainParticipantListener, dds::topic::NoOpAnyTopicListener
template<typename T, template<typename Q> class DELEGATE = dds::topic::detail::ContentFilteredTopic>
class ContentFilteredTopic¶
template<typename T>
struct is_topic_type¶ - #include <TopicTraits.hpp>
Support functionality to check if a given object type is a Topic.
if (dds::topic::is_topic_type<Foo::Bar>::value) { // Foo::Bar type is considered a Topic } else { // Foo::Bar type is NOT considered a Topic }
class NoOpAnyTopicListener : public virtual dds::topic::AnyTopicListener¶
- #include <AnyTopicListener.hpp>
AnyTopic events Listener.
This listener is just like AnyTopicListener, except that the application doesn’t have to implement all operations.
This class is used as a base for other listeners and is not used on its own.
See also
Subclassed by dds::domain::NoOpDomainParticipantListener
template<typename T>
class NoOpTopicListener : public virtual dds::topic::TopicListener<T>¶ - #include <TopicListener.hpp>
Topic events Listener.
This listener is just like TopicListener, except that the application doesn’t have to implement all operations.
class ExampleListener : public virtual dds::topic::NoOpTopicListener<Foo::Bar> { // Not necessary to implement any Listener operations. };
See also
template<typename DELEGATE>
class TAnyTopic : public dds::core::TEntity<DELEGATE>, public dds::topic::TTopicDescription<DELEGATE>¶ - #include <TAnyTopic.hpp>
Typeless base class for the typed Topic.
Topics are created type specific (fi Topic<Foo::Bar> topic). However, there are a few places in the API (and possibly application) where the type can not be known while still some Topic
has to be passed around, stored or even typeless functionality called.
The main examples in the API that needs typeless
Topic is: DomainParticipantListener.See also
template<typename D>
class TBuiltinTopicKey : public dds::core::Value<D>¶ - #include <TBuiltinTopicKey.hpp>
Global unique identifier of the Topic.
template<typename D>
class TFilter : public dds::core::Value<D>¶ - #include <TFilter.hpp>
Filter objects contain SQL expressions that allow the application to specify a filter on the locally available data.
A Filter is used to create a ContentFilteredTopic.
See also
See also
for more information: Topic Definition
- SQL Expression
The SQL query string is set by expression which must be a subset of the SQL query language. In this query expression, parameters may be used, which must be set in the sequence of strings defined by the parameter query_parameters. A parameter is a string which can define an integer, float, string or enumeration. The number of values in query_parameters must be equal or greater than the highest referenced n token in the query_expression (e.g. if %1 and %8 are used as parameters in the query_expression, the query_parameters should at least contain n+1 = 9 values).
Look here for the specific query expression syntax.
template<typename T, template<typename Q> class DELEGATE>
class Topic : public dds::topic::TAnyTopic<DELEGATE<T>>¶ - #include <TTopic.hpp>
Topic is the most basic description of the data to be published and subscribed.
A Topic is identified by its name, which must be unique in the whole Domain. In addition (by virtue of extending TopicDescription) it fully specifies the type of the data that can be communicated when publishing or subscribing to the Topic.
Topic is the only TopicDescription that can be used for publications and therefore associated with a DataWriter.
// Default creation of a Topic dds::domain::DomainParticipant participant(org::eclipse::cyclonedds::domain::default_id()); dds::topic::Topic<Foo::Bar> topic(participant, "TopicName"); // The Topic can be used to create readers and writers // DataReader dds::sub::Subscriber subscriber(participant); dds::sub::DataReader<Foo::Bar> reader(subscriber, topic); // DataWriter dds::pub::Publisher publisher(participant); dds::pub::DataWriter<Foo::Bar> writer(publisher, topic);
See also
for more information: Topic Definition
template<typename T>
struct topic_type_name¶ - #include <TopicTraits.hpp>
Support functionality to get the default type_name of a Topic type.
std::string typeName = dds::topic::topic_type_name<Foo::Bar>::value();
template<typename T>
class TopicInstance¶ - #include <TopicInstance.hpp>
A TopicInstance encapsulates a dds::sub::Sample and its associated dds::core::InstanceHandle.
See also
for more information: Topic Definition
See also
for more information: dds::sub::Sample
See also
for more information: dds::core::InstanceHandle
template<typename T>
class TopicListener¶ - #include <TopicListener.hpp>
Topic events Listener.
Since a Topic is an Entity, it has the ability to have a Listener associated with it. In this case, the associated Listener should be of type TopicListener. This interface must be implemented by the application. A user-defined class must be provided by the application which must extend from the TopicListener class.
The TopicListener provides a generic mechanism (actually a callback function) for the Data Distribution Service to notify the application of relevant asynchronous status change events, such as a missed deadline, violation of a QosPolicy setting, etc. The TopicListener is related to changes in communication status StatusConditions.
// Application example listener class ExampleListener : public virtual dds::topic::TopicListener<Foo::Bar> { public: virtual void on_inconsistent_topic ( dds::topic::Topic<Foo::Bar>& topic, const dds::core::status::InconsistentTopicStatus& status) { std::cout << "on_inconsistent_topic" << std::endl; } }; // Create Topic with the listener dds::domain::DomainParticipant participant(org::eclipse::cyclonedds::domain::default_id()); dds::topic::Topic<Foo::Bar> topic(participant, "TopicName", participant.default_topic_qos(), new ExampleListener(), dds::core::status::StatusMask::all());
See also
for more information: Topic
See also
for more information: Listener information
Subclassed by dds::topic::NoOpTopicListener< T >
template<typename D>
class TParticipantBuiltinTopicData : public dds::core::Value<D>¶ - #include <TBuiltinTopic.hpp>
Class that contains information about available DomainParticipants within the system.
The DCPSParticipant topic communicates the existence of DomainParticipants by means of the ParticipantBuiltinTopicData datatype. Each ParticipantBuiltinTopicData sample in a Domain represents a DomainParticipant that participates in that Domain: a new ParticipantBuiltinTopicData instance is created when a newly-added DomainParticipant is enabled, and it is disposed when that DomainParticipant is deleted. An updated ParticipantBuiltinTopicData sample is written each time the DomainParticipant modifies its UserDataQosPolicy.
// Get builtin subscriber dds::domain::DomainParticipant participant(org::eclipse::cyclonedds::domain::default_id()); dds::sub::Subscriber builtinSubscriber = dds::sub::builtin_subscriber(participant); // Get DCPSParticipant builtin reader (happy flow) string name = "DCPSParticipant"; vector<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData> > readersVector; dds::sub::find<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData>, back_insert_iterator<vector<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData> > > >( builtinSubscriber, name, back_inserter<vector<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData> > >(readersVector)); dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData> builtinReader = readersVector[0]; // The builtinReader can now be used just as a normal dds::sub::DataReader to get // dds::topic::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData samples.
See also
for more information: DCPS_Builtin_Topics
See also
for more information: DCPS_Builtin_Topics_ParticipantData
template<typename D>
class TPublicationBuiltinTopicData : public dds::core::Value<D>¶ - #include <TBuiltinTopic.hpp>
Class that contains information about available DataWriters within the system.
The DCPSPublication topic communicates the existence of datawriters by means of the PublicationBuiltinTopicData datatype. Each PublicationBuiltinTopicData sample in a Domain represents a datawriter in that Domain: a new PublicationBuiltinTopicData instance is created when a newly-added DataWriter is enabled, and it is disposed when that DataWriter is deleted. An updated PublicationBuiltinTopicData sample is written each time the DataWriter (or the Publisher to which it belongs) modifies a QosPolicy that applies to the entities connected to it. Also will it be updated when the writer looses or regains its liveliness.
// Get builtin subscriber dds::domain::DomainParticipant participant(org::eclipse::cyclonedds::domain::default_id()); dds::sub::Subscriber builtinSubscriber = dds::sub::builtin_subscriber(participant); // Get DCPSPublication builtin reader (happy flow) string name = "DCPSPublication"; vector<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::PublicationBuiltinTopicData> > readersVector; dds::sub::find<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::PublicationBuiltinTopicData>, back_insert_iterator<vector<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::PublicationBuiltinTopicData> > > >( builtinSubscriber, name, back_inserter<vector<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::PublicationBuiltinTopicData> > >(readersVector)); dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::PublicationBuiltinTopicData> builtinReader = readersVector[0]; // The builtinReader can now be used just as a normal dds::sub::DataReader to get // dds::topic::PublicationBuiltinTopicData samples.
See also
for more information: DCPS_Builtin_Topics
See also
for more information: DCPS_Builtin_Topics_PublicationData
template<typename D>
class TSubscriptionBuiltinTopicData : public dds::core::Value<D>¶ - #include <TBuiltinTopic.hpp>
Class that contains information about available DataReaders within the system.
The DCPSSubscription topic communicates the existence of datareaders by means of the SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData datatype. Each SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData sample in a Domain represents a datareader in that Domain: a new SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData instance is created when a newly-added DataReader is enabled, and it is disposed when that DataReader is deleted. An updated SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData sample is written each time the DataReader (or the Subscriber to which it belongs) modifies a QosPolicy that applies to the entities connected to it.
// Get builtin subscriber dds::domain::DomainParticipant participant(org::eclipse::cyclonedds::domain::default_id()); dds::sub::Subscriber builtinSubscriber = dds::sub::builtin_subscriber(participant); // Get DCPSSubscription builtin reader (happy flow) string name = "DCPSSubscription"; vector<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData> > readersVector; dds::sub::find<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData>, back_insert_iterator<vector<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData> > > >( builtinSubscriber, name, back_inserter<vector<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData> > >(readersVector)); dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData> builtinReader = readersVector[0]; // The builtinReader can now be used just as a normal dds::sub::DataReader to get // dds::topic::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData samples.
See also
for more information: DCPS_Builtin_Topics
See also
for more information: DCPS_Builtin_Topics_SubscriptionData
template<typename D>
class TTopicBuiltinTopicData : public dds::core::Value<D>¶ - #include <TBuiltinTopic.hpp>
Class that contains information about available Topics within the system.
The DCPSTopic topic communicates the existence of topics by means of the TopicBuiltinTopicData datatype. Each TopicBuiltinTopicData sample in a Domain represents a Topic in that Domain: a new TopicBuiltinTopicData instance is created when a newly-added Topic is enabled. However, the instance is not disposed when a Topic is deleted by its participant because a topic lifecycle is tied to the lifecycle of a Domain, not to the lifecycle of an individual participant. An updated TopicBuiltinTopicData sample is written each time a Topic modifies one or more of its QosPolicy values.
// Get builtin subscriber dds::domain::DomainParticipant participant(org::eclipse::cyclonedds::domain::default_id()); dds::sub::Subscriber builtinSubscriber = dds::sub::builtin_subscriber(participant); // Get DCPSTopic builtin reader (happy flow) string name = "DCPSTopic"; vector<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::TopicBuiltinTopicData> > readersVector; dds::sub::find<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::TopicBuiltinTopicData>, back_insert_iterator<vector<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::TopicBuiltinTopicData> > > >( builtinSubscriber, name, back_inserter<vector<dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::TopicBuiltinTopicData> > >(readersVector)); dds::sub::DataReader<dds::topic::TopicBuiltinTopicData> builtinReader = readersVector[0]; // The builtinReader can now be used just as a normal dds::sub::DataReader to get // dds::topic::TopicBuiltinTopicData samples.
See also
for more information: DCPS_Builtin_Topics
See also
for more information: DCPS_Builtin_Topics_TopicData
template<typename DELEGATE>
class TTopicDescription : public virtual dds::core::Reference<DELEGATE>¶ - #include <TTopicDescription.hpp>
This class is the base for Topic, ContentFilteredTopic and MultiTopic.
The TopicDescription attribute type_name defines an unique data type that is made available to the Data Distribution Service when a Topic
is created with that type.
TopicDescription has also a name that allows it to be retrieved locally.
See also
for more information: Topic Definition
Subclassed by dds::topic::TAnyTopic< DELEGATE< T > >, dds::topic::TAnyTopic< DELEGATE >
namespace detail¶
typedef dds::topic::TParticipantBuiltinTopicData<org::eclipse::cyclonedds::topic::ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataDelegate> ParticipantBuiltinTopicData¶
typedef dds::topic::TTopicBuiltinTopicData<org::eclipse::cyclonedds::topic::TopicBuiltinTopicDataDelegate> TopicBuiltinTopicData¶
typedef dds::topic::TPublicationBuiltinTopicData<org::eclipse::cyclonedds::topic::PublicationBuiltinTopicDataDelegate> PublicationBuiltinTopicData¶
typedef dds::topic::TSubscriptionBuiltinTopicData<org::eclipse::cyclonedds::topic::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataDelegate> SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData¶
typedef dds::topic::TBuiltinTopicKey<org::eclipse::cyclonedds::topic::BuiltinTopicKeyDelegate> BuiltinTopicKey¶
typedef dds::topic::TTopicDescription<org::eclipse::cyclonedds::topic::TopicDescriptionDelegate> TopicDescription¶
template<typename T>
class Topic : public org::eclipse::cyclonedds::topic::AnyTopicDelegate¶
typedef dds::topic::TParticipantBuiltinTopicData<org::eclipse::cyclonedds::topic::ParticipantBuiltinTopicDataDelegate> ParticipantBuiltinTopicData¶
namespace qos¶
class TopicQos : public dds::core::EntityQos<org::eclipse::cyclonedds::topic::qos::TopicQosDelegate>
- #include <TopicQos.hpp>
This struct provides the basic mechanism for an application to specify Quality of Service attributes for a Topic.
A QosPolicy can be set when the Topic is created or modified with the set qos operation. Both operations take the TopicQos object as a parameter. There may be cases where several policies are in conflict. Consistency checking is performed each time the policies are modified when they are being created and, in case they are already enabled, via the set qos operation.
- Attributes
Default Value
Additional information (info)
Data storage settings for late joiners (info)
Transient/persistent behaviour (info)
Period in which new sample is written (info)
Used for optimization (info)
Liveliness assertion mechanism (info)
Reliability settings (info)
DataReader data order settings (info)
Data storage settings (info)
History::KeepLast(depth 1)
Maximum resource settings (info)
ResourceLimits::ResourceLimits(all unlimited)
Priority hint for transport layer (info)
Maximum duration of validity of data (info)
Exclusive ownership or not (info)
Supported data representation kinds (info)
Type consistency enforcement policies (info)
Some QosPolicy have “immutable” semantics meaning that they can only be specified either at Topic creation time or prior to calling the enable operation on the Topic.
See also
for more information: DCPS_QoS
namespace detail¶
class TopicQos : public dds::core::EntityQos<org::eclipse::cyclonedds::topic::qos::TopicQosDelegate>
typedef dds::topic::detail::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData ParticipantBuiltinTopicData¶