* Copyright(c) 2021 to 2022 ZettaScale Technology and others
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Eclipse Distribution License
* v. 1.0 which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
import uuid
import ctypes as ct
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
from .core import Entity, DDSException, Qos, ReadCondition, ViewState, InstanceState, SampleState
from .topic import Topic
from .sub import DataReader
from .internal import dds_c_t
from .qos import _CQos
from .builtin_types import DcpsParticipant, DcpsTopic, DcpsEndpoint, endpoint_constructor, participant_constructor, topic_constructor, cqos_to_qos
from cyclonedds._clayer import ddspy_read_participant, ddspy_take_participant, ddspy_read_endpoint, ddspy_take_endpoint, ddspy_read_topic, ddspy_take_topic
from cyclonedds.idl._typesupport.DDS.XTypes import TypeIdentifier
import cyclonedds
[docs]class BuiltinTopic(Topic):
"""Represent a built-in CycloneDDS Topic by magic reference number."""
def __init__(self, _ref, data_type):
self._ref = _ref
self.data_type = data_type
def __del__(self):
[docs]class BuiltinDataReader(DataReader):
Builtin topics have sligtly different behaviour than normal topics, so you should use this BuiltinDataReader
instead of the normal DataReader. They are identical in the rest of their functionality.
[docs] def __init__(self,
subscriber_or_participant: Union['cyclonedds.sub.Subscriber', 'cyclonedds.domain.DomainParticipant'],
builtin_topic: 'cyclonedds.builtin.BuiltinTopic',
qos: Optional['cyclonedds.core.Qos'] = None,
listener: Optional['cyclonedds.core.Listener'] = None) -> None:
"""Initialize the BuiltinDataReader
subscriber_or_participant: cyclonedds.sub.Subscriber, cyclonedds.domain.DomainParticipant
The subscriber to which this reader will be added. If you supply a DomainParticipant
a subscriber will be created for you.
builtin_topic: cyclonedds.builtin.BuiltinTopic
Which Builtin Topic to subscribe to. This can be one of BuiltinTopicDcpsParticipant, BuiltinTopicDcpsTopic,
BuiltinTopicDcpsPublication or BuiltinTopicDcpsSubscription. Please note that BuiltinTopicDcpsTopic will fail if
you built CycloneDDS without Topic Discovery.
qos: cyclonedds.core.Qos, optional = None
Optionally supply a Qos.
listener: cyclonedds.core.Listener = None
Optionally supply a Listener.
self._topic = builtin_topic
cqos = _CQos.qos_to_cqos(qos) if qos else None
listener._ref if listener else None
self._next_condition = ReadCondition(self, ViewState.Any | SampleState.NotRead | InstanceState.Any)
if cqos:
self._keepalive_entities = [self.subscriber]
def _make_constructors(self):
if self._topic == BuiltinTopicDcpsParticipant:
self._readfn = ddspy_read_participant
self._takefn = ddspy_take_participant
self._constructor = participant_constructor
elif self._topic == BuiltinTopicDcpsTopic:
self._readfn = ddspy_read_topic
self._takefn = ddspy_take_topic
self._constructor = topic_constructor
self._readfn = ddspy_read_endpoint
self._takefn = ddspy_take_endpoint
self._constructor = endpoint_constructor
self._cqos_conv = cqos_to_qos
[docs] def read(self, N: int = 1,
condition: Union['cyclonedds.core.ReadCondition', 'cyclonedds.core.QueryCondition'] = None):
"""Read a maximum of N samples, non-blocking. Optionally use a read/query-condition to select which samples
you are interested in.
N: int
The maximum number of samples to read.
condition: cyclonedds.core.ReadCondition, cyclonedds.core.QueryCondition, optional
Only read samples that satisfy the supplied condition.
If any error code is returned by the DDS API it is converted into an exception.
ref = condition._ref if condition else self._ref
ret = self._readfn(ref, N, self._constructor, self._cqos_conv)
if type(ret) == int:
raise DDSException(ret, f"Occurred when calling read() in {repr(self)}")
return ret
[docs] def take(self, N: int = 1, condition=None):
"""Take a maximum of N samples, non-blocking. Optionally use a read/query-condition to select which samples
you are interested in.
N: int
The maximum number of samples to read.
condition: cyclonedds.core.ReadCondition, cyclonedds.core.QueryCondition, optional
Only take samples that satisfy the supplied condition.
If any error code is returned by the DDS API it is converted into an exception.
ref = condition._ref if condition else self._ref
ret = self._takefn(ref, N, self._constructor, self._cqos_conv)
if type(ret) == int:
raise DDSException(ret, f"Occurred when calling read() in {repr(self)}")
return ret
_pseudo_handle = 0x7fff0000
BuiltinTopicDcpsParticipant = BuiltinTopic(_pseudo_handle + 1, DcpsParticipant)
"""Built-in topic, is published to when a new participants appear on the network."""
BuiltinTopicDcpsTopic = BuiltinTopic(_pseudo_handle + 2, DcpsEndpoint)
Built-in topic, is published to when a new topic appear on the network.
Make sure cyclonedds has been built with `-DENABLE_TOPIC_DISCOVERY=ON` and
`//CycloneDDS/Domain/Discovery/EnableTopicDiscoveryEndpoints` is set in the config.
BuiltinTopicDcpsPublication = BuiltinTopic(_pseudo_handle + 3, DcpsEndpoint)
"""Built-in topic, is published to when a publication happens."""
BuiltinTopicDcpsSubscription = BuiltinTopic(_pseudo_handle + 4, DcpsEndpoint)
"""Built-in topic, is published to when a subscription happens."""
__all__ = [
"DcpsParticipant", "DcpsEndpoint", "BuiltinDataReader",
"BuiltinTopicDcpsParticipant", "BuiltinTopicDcpsTopic",
"BuiltinTopicDcpsPublication", "BuiltinTopicDcpsSubscription"