Struct dds_sample_info

Struct Documentation

struct dds_sample_info

Contains information about the associated data value

Public Members

dds_sample_state_t sample_state

Sample state

dds_view_state_t view_state

View state

dds_instance_state_t instance_state

Instance state

bool valid_data

Indicates whether there is a data associated with a sample

  • true, indicates the data is valid

  • false, indicates the data is invalid, no data to read

dds_time_t source_timestamp

timestamp of a data instance when it is written

dds_instance_handle_t instance_handle

handle to the data instance

dds_instance_handle_t publication_handle

handle to the publisher

uint32_t disposed_generation_count

count of instance state change from NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED to ALIVE

uint32_t no_writers_generation_count

count of instance state change from NOT_ALIVE_NO_WRITERS to ALIVE

uint32_t sample_rank

indicates the number of samples of the same instance that follow the current one in the collection

uint32_t generation_rank

difference in generations between the sample and most recent sample of the same instance that appears in the returned collection

uint32_t absolute_generation_rank

difference in generations between the sample and most recent sample of the same instance when read/take was called